Dec 12, 2013

Think you know everything about being a good Vayne?

WELL THINK AGAIN! Here is one pro tip with vayne that many players do not know. If you are a good laner and good at last hitting your minions here is one trick you might like to implement into your last hitting techniques. Once you have a level in Condemn (your E) you can do this. It's pretty simple actually. Just as your last hitting a minion, use Condemn on it straight afterwards. This will essentially do nothing as the minion will have already died by the time the Condemn projectile reaches the target minion. 

You will not lose mana and Condemn will not go on cooldown. So why do this? Simple. This shows the opponent that you are truly much better at last hitting then them as you are so confident in you ability to last hit that you can use Condemn as a sort of intimidating factor against your opponent. They will hear the sound and see the visual effect but that will be enough to strike fear into their hearts. That sound shows them that you have better last hitting mechanics then the enemy and that you are confident in your abilities as an AD Carry. This psychological effect will have a massive impact on you opponent, who may even be tempted enough to rage quit before the 5 minute mark. This tactic is sure to put you ahead in lane! Good luck to you all!

Making me laugh.

Tag: League Of Legends,LOL,Vayne

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