Feb 26, 2014

League of Legends - How To Get Out Of Elo Hell (Low Elo)

Tips & Tricks To Get Out Of Elo Hell

Stuck in Elo Hell? Addicted to League of Legends and looking to get out of Elo Hell (low Elo)? This page details some simple tips, tricks and strategies that you can use to get out of Elo Hell.

I have personally escaped what is considered 'Elo Hell' in every League of Legends season that I have participated in. I created this page in the hope that it will help others to escape Elo Hell.

As of Season 3 League of Legends ELO is now hidden and has been renamed to your MMR (Matchmaking Raking), as such this guide will help you advance through the League of Legends tiers and divisions.

This page is not intended to be a discussion about the existence of Elo Hell (i am neither for or against its existence), but there is a section where you can discuss the existence of Elo Hell on this page.

Tag:League of Legends - How To Get Out Of Elo Hell (Low Elo)

Feb 24, 2014

Counter jungling guide league of legends


Counter-jungling is the act of invading the enemy jungle and killing their minions. Counter-jungling can also consist of ganking the same lanes at the same time as the enemy jungler. This kind of turn around on a gank is specifically known as counter-ganking and can be very demoralizing for the enemy team. How fast you and your opponent clear jungle camps is a huge factor in how well you can counter-jungle.


Counter-jungling has several benefits. The first is that you are effectively stealing experience and gold from the enemy jungler. By leaving one of the smaller minions in a camp, you do not allow the respawn timer to start. This means that the enemy jungler must find the camp stolen and clear it himself before the respawn timer even starts. They also waste time traveling to that camp and realizing that they have been counter-jungled, meanwhile you are onto the next creep camp or ganking a lane. If done frequently enough, the enemy jungler will begin to lose considerable amounts of experience and gold, as well as grow frustrated. If the enemy jungler is letting their middle lane take the wraiths, then this could even set back and frustrate their middle lane.


First of all, whenever you counter-jungle, your team should be aware that you are invading enemy territory. If your team is not warned before hand and you are caught, you can easily be trapped in by their jungler and adjacent lanes. Always make sure they know where you are and that they will come to aid you if you need assistance. It is almost always safe to invade the enemy jungle when the enemy jungler is ganking a lane. If the gank is too far away or you are too late to counter-gank, then invade the enemy's jungle and take what you can. Warding is another good way to know where the enemy jungler is, even when he is not ganking lanes. This will allow your lanes to know when it is safe to push and when they should play more defensive. It will also allow you to counter-jungle that much harder. For more experience players, try to keep timers on enemy camps. This will allow you to be at the camp seconds before it spawns, while the enemy jungler will only start heading towards the camp once they see the marker on their map re-appear. This allows you to take the camp while they are on their way, letting you get away without being touched.

Very few champions can counter jungle effectively. Things you should look for in a counter jungling champion would be clear speed, damage, and escapes. Junglers such as Lee sin are well equipped for that. His dueling capabilities and buff control is outstanding for a champion. Some other champions thats advatange of their kit are Shyvana, Dr. Mundo, Nunu, Udyr, and Zed.

The key to counter jungling is all about timing and knowledge. If you are looking to just steal a camp and avoid controntation, you should never go into enemy jungle without knowing where the opposition is at. Always remember, your allies will be farther away than your enemies. If you are looking to pick on the enemy jungler, basic time sets are a valuable tool. For example, if the enemy team has a blue orientated jungler like Maokai or Amumu, you can opt to start your own blue, then steal their red right after or start your red, then finish your blue to obtain lvl 3 and invade by going straight to their red and possibly killing them. Which leads to your blue being refreshed and also a possible red buff steal.

A good source of knowledge to take into consideration is whether you and your mid lane have a great 2v2 potential. If you feel as you are better than their Mid/Jungle duo then at 7:15 you can invade onto their starting jungling buff. Possible result would be a kill (s) and a buff steal.


When being heavily counter-jungle, wards are your best friend. This will allow you to see them enter your jungle, which with a quick ping can send your entire team showering down towards them. If the enemy team is keeping tight communication, though, that showering down may actually result in a teamfight. If this does not sound good for your team, then resort to counter-counter-jungling. Yes, the name is funny, but it is effective and it will not run the risk of your team losing a fight. This is also one of the safest methods of counter a level one invade, by backing out and then circling to the enemy team's buff.

All you need to know about Counter Jungling | High Elo Jungle Guide League of Legends

Feb 18, 2014

Interesting Facts about League of Legends


  • Nasus is a dog but walks on 2 feet
  • Wukong is a monkey but cant jungle
  • Singed isnt mad until he uses his Insanity Potion
  • You actually can blind Lee Sin
  • You can silence Sona

  • You can Ignite Brand, the burning Brand
  • The feeders will always be on your team
  • Annie lost her virginity to tibbers
  • Your Talon will rush Trinity Force, their Talon will go Brutalizer into Bloodthirster and kill half your team
  • You can heal people by throwing sharp blades at them if properly enchanted

  • Real assassins hide their blades under a cape made of blades
  • Gaze attacks are slow moving projectiles
  • Shooting a pistol in melee deals less damage than shooting a pistol from a distance (GP's crit animation vs parrley)
  • An undead warrior's most dangerous attack is his stare
  • It's called Trueshot Barrage but it probably doesn't hit true and it's not a barrage either

  • A hamster with a blowdart can defeat an angel
  • After every champion in a match has 2 phantom dancers, infinity edges, deathcaps, Gunblades, WotA, Bloodthirsters, Black cleavers, RoA's the deadliest weapon is still a Lantern on a stick
  • Amumu can still fling his bandages everywhere, even in his little knight skin
  • Skarner isn't a Pokemon
  • Minimal clothing seems to be the most effective armor for battle on females

  • Leona's passive deals 1 less damage to Enemies with a skin, on wich they wear sunglasses. This is actually true
  • only in lol u could find a dog that is the brother of a crocodile
  • Everyone can lose their lanes and still blame their jungler
  • Anivia, Corki and other flying champions can step on trap while in air
  • Tryndamere can spin through 2m wall

Feb 16, 2014

League of Legends Valentines


Miss Fortune
Twisted Fate

Tag:League of Legends Valentines