[LoL weekly Event]Show your records of LOL!
"How can I join the contest?"
Show us your in-game records'screenshots.
After you finish a fight, there will be a record which shows how many people you have killed and how many times you have been killed and how much time you have spent on the game. Just show it to us!

Your screenshots must be original. That means we will make sure nobody took a screenshot from some online websites and posts it as their own. So the records must include your LOL ID. The plagiarized ones will not be counted.
Read this carefully, it is helpful for you to win:
The screenshot may the best record of you, like you kill 20+ without a death, the worst record of you, the longest game you ever play or a special game for you etc... Anyway, we prefer the records with some nice stories behind them. And those records with descriptions have much better chances to win.
Guide to take a screenshot
Press F12 or Pr Scrn SysRq button and the screenshot will be save on your lol file ...Riot Game\League of Legends\Screenshots
Event weekly
[Event Rules]
1. Login in LOL and take a screenshot of records. You can't deal with the screenshots by using softwares like Photo Shop to change the records.
2. Upload your screenshots in this thread (Click here to know how to upload images on the forum)
3. We will pick out the winners and give out $10 as rewards.
4. AALOL reserves the rights to use all or any of the winning submissions for future events or displays.
5. AALOL reserves the right to final interpretation of all rules and rewards, as well as the right to amend or remove any and all rules, restrictions and rewards without prior notice.
• We will pick three winners they receive . $10 crash.
Ok, lets get it started! Start from me:
I play LoL on CN server. The game record above is special because it is the first win of me. I started playing lol for about 2 months and in the first couple of weeks, I played with bots only. From 2013-06-10, I started playing with other players. As you can see, I lost the first four games and in the fifth game, finally I won, though I dont perform very well. It is a nice beginning for me. lol.
It's show time! Come and join us!

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