Dec 18, 2013

Things You May Not Have Known About League of Legends

Did you know Volibear can easily tell Shaco's clones from the real thing? Were you aware that the damage from Nidalee's spear can be increased even after it's thrown? No? Well, read on then.

Described by some as a 'nicer version of 4chan', Reddit is a strange place that plays home to everything from awkward memes to life-changing advice. Today, we take a look at a reddit thread revolving around some of the lesser known facts in League of Legends. You can see the full thread here, in fact. However, for those of you unwilling to sieve through the fluff, we've compiled a digest for your reading pleasure.

Not everything that was written in the thread is covered here. As such, feel free to comment and tell us of things we should have put in.


Strategic usage of Volibear's 'E' will allow you to easily distinguish Shaco from his clones. This is because Volibear's roar will slow Champions and cause everything else to run around in abject terror.

Volibear's passive works even through the invunerability period granted by Guardian's Angel.


You can increase damage from Nidalee's spear throw by moving backwards immediately after you've flung your weapon. It appears as though damage is based on the distance between Nidalee's current location and target as opposed to the location that the spear was thrown.


While casting Grand SkyFall, you can still cast your other spells around the area in which you're supposed to land.

Unless you use Aegis right away, other players will be able to inflict damage or trap you by assaulting the circle in which you will land.


Riven's Valor cannot pass through walls but it can bypass Trundle's Pillar of Filth, Anivia's Crystallize and Jarvan's Cataclysm.


Vayne's Tumble also cannot pass through walls but it works against Trundle's Pillar of Filth, Anivia's Crystallize and Jarvan's Cataclysm.


Sunfire Cape works even while you're stealthed so it might be a pretty good idea to own one if you're playing this character. Maybe.

Evelynn's first ability will light up should you be in the presence of a hidden object such as one of Teemo's Mushroom or a ward.

If you activate stealth and immediately use an active like Hourglass, Teleport or Recall, you will exit the process stealthed, a useful skill when you're trying to manifest next to an AD carry.


Not only does Urgot's ultimate allow you to change spots, it also grants increased armor and magic resistance. 

Watch out for Champions with Quicksilver Sashes - these pesky items will allow them to break free from your ultimate.


You will not proc your cooldown reduction ffrom your E ability should your target be within ~300 of you. Therefore, auto attacking a little will allow you to prevent the wastage of E.


You can charge your headshots on mini-golems if you're playing on the Blue Team.

If your opponent has TP and takes the time to drop a ward, trap it. If he teleports to the ward, he'll be trapped for 1 to 2 seconds.

Ahri's charm can stop you from casting your ulti.


If you walk as close to a thin wall as you can possibly get before trying to put a turret inside it. chances are your turret will manifest behind the wall. This, in turn, allows for a greater and safer field of vision.

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